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Using PyQt with QtAgg in Jupyterlab – I – a first simple example

As my readers know I presently study how to work with background jobs for plot and information updates in Jupyterlab. The reason for this endeavor is that I want to organize my work with ML- training and long evaluation runs a bit differently in the future. In particular I want to have the freedom of working in other regions (other… Read More »Using PyQt with QtAgg in Jupyterlab – I – a first simple example

Jupyterlab – resolve error messages regarding iopub_data_rate_limit

When I worked with some ML-based text evaluation I had run across an output limit rate on the notebooks output rate: iopub_data_rate_limit : (bytes/sec) Maximum rate at which stream output can be sent on iopub before they are limited. I had changed it by a factor of 10 from the standard value in a file ~/.jupyter/ in my home-directory on… Read More »Jupyterlab – resolve error messages regarding iopub_data_rate_limit

Jupyterlab, matplotlib, dynamic plots – II – external Qt-windows and figure updates from foreground jobs

The work on this post series has been delayed a bit. One of my objectives was to use background jobs to directly redraw or to at least trigger a redrawing of Matplotlib figures with backends like Qt5Agg. By using background jobs I wanted to circumvent a blocking of code execution in other further Juypter notebook cells. This would to e.g.… Read More »Jupyterlab, matplotlib, dynamic plots – II – external Qt-windows and figure updates from foreground jobs

Jupyterlab, Python3, asyncio – asynchronous tasks in a notebook background thread

Jupyterlab and IPython are always good for some surprises. Things that work in a standard Python task in Eclipse or at the prompt of a Linux shell may not work in a Python notebook within a Jupyterlab environment. One example where things behave a bit differently in Jupyterlab are asynchronous tasks. This post is about starting and stopping asynchronous tasks… Read More »Jupyterlab, Python3, asyncio – asynchronous tasks in a notebook background thread