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AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – I – a detailed look at results based on the Adam optimizer

This post requires Javascript to display formulas! The last days I started to work on ResNets again. The first thing I did was to use a ResNet code which Rowel Atienza has published in his very instructive book “Advanced Deep Learning with Tensorflow2 and Keras” [1]. I used the code on the CIFAR10 dataset. Atienza’s approach for this test example… Read More »AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – I – a detailed look at results based on the Adam optimizer

TF 2.16, Keras 3, alternatives for deprecated ImageDataGenerator

These days I started again to work with ResNets and images. To improve accuracy e.g. for classification projects the test on evaluation datasets is the only thing that counts regarding accuracy. One should use some form of data augmentation, best statistically during training, to prevent overfitting of a model. In the past I have often used Keras’ ImageDataGenerator. ImageDatagenerator is… Read More »TF 2.16, Keras 3, alternatives for deprecated ImageDataGenerator

Prompt based image generation with Stable Diffusion on a TI 4060 ?!

Midjourney and OpenAI give you access to image generators which create images based on key words in a text prompt. To access Dall-E2 you need to pay money. The tools of Midjourney are no longer free because they have been misused. OpenArt offers you a free service – but the images are public domain. So, some days ago I asked… Read More »Prompt based image generation with Stable Diffusion on a TI 4060 ?!

Setting NUMA node to 0 for Nvidia cards on standard Linux PCs

People working on Linux PCs with Tensorflow 2 [TF2] and CUDA may be confronted with warnings complaining a lack of an assignment of their Nvidia graphics card to a NUMA node. This is somewhat enervating as depending on the TF2 version a default entry of “-1” for the NUMA on consumer systems may clatter some of your Jupyter notebook cells… Read More »Setting NUMA node to 0 for Nvidia cards on standard Linux PCs