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Jupyterlab, Python3, asyncio – asynchronous tasks in a notebook background thread

Jupyterlab and IPython are always good for some surprises. Things that work in a standard Python task in Eclipse or at the prompt of a Linux shell may not work in a Python notebook within a Jupyterlab environment. One example where things behave a bit differently in Jupyterlab are asynchronous tasks. This post is about starting and stopping asynchronous tasks… Read More »Jupyterlab, Python3, asyncio – asynchronous tasks in a notebook background thread

Jupyterlab, matplotlib, dynamic plots – I – relevant backends

When we work with Deep Neural Networks on limited HW-resources we must get an overview over CPU- and VRAM-consumption, training progress, change of metrical variables of our network models, etc. Most of us will probably want to see the development of our system- and model-related variables in a graphical way. All of this requires dynamic plots, which are updated periodically… Read More »Jupyterlab, matplotlib, dynamic plots – I – relevant backends

ResNet basics – II – ResNet V2 architecture

In the 1st post of this series ResNet basics – I – problems of standard CNNs I gave an overview over building blocks of standard Convolutional Neural Networks [CNN]. I also briefly discussed some problems that come up when we try to build really deep networks with multiple stacks of convolutional layers [e.g. Conv1D- or Conv2D-layers of the Keras framework].… Read More »ResNet basics – II – ResNet V2 architecture

ResNet basics – I – problems of standard CNNs

Convolutional Neural Networks [CNNs] do a good job regarding the analysis of image or video data. They extract correlation patterns hidden in the numeric data of our media objects, e.g. images or videos. Thereby, they get an indirect access to (visual) properties of displayed physical objects – like e.g. industry tools, vehicles, human faces, …. But there are also problems… Read More »ResNet basics – I – problems of standard CNNs