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Machine Learning

Installation of CUDA 12.3 and CuDNN 8.9 on Opensuse Leap 15.5 for Machine Learning

Machine Learning on a Linux system is no fun without a GPU and its parallel processing capabilities. On a system with a Nvidia card you need basic Nvidia drivers and additional libraries for optimal support of Deep Neural Networks and Linear Algebra operations on the GPU sub-processors. E.g., Keras and Tensorflow 2 [TF2] use CUDA and cuDNN-libraries on your Nvidia… Read More »Installation of CUDA 12.3 and CuDNN 8.9 on Opensuse Leap 15.5 for Machine Learning

Using PyQt with QtAgg in Jupyterlab – IV – simple PyQt and MPL application with background worker and receiver threads

As you read this post you are probably interested in Machine Learning [ML] and hopefully in Linux systems as a ML-platform as well. This post series wants to guide you over a bridge between the standard tool-set of Python3 notebooks in Jupyterlab for the control of ML-algorithms and graphical Qt-applications on your Linux desktop. The objective is to become more… Read More »Using PyQt with QtAgg in Jupyterlab – IV – simple PyQt and MPL application with background worker and receiver threads

Using PyQt with QtAgg in Jupyterlab – III – a simple pattern for background threads

We can use PyQt to organize output of Machine Learning applications in Qt-windows outside of Jupyterlab notebooks on a Linux desktop. PyQt also provides us with an option to put long running Python code as ML training and evaluation runs into the background of Jupyterlab and redirect graphical and text output to elements of Qt windows. Moving long lasting Python… Read More »Using PyQt with QtAgg in Jupyterlab – III – a simple pattern for background threads

ResNet basics – I – problems of standard CNNs

Convolutional Neural Networks [CNNs] do a good job regarding the analysis of image or video data. They extract correlation patterns hidden in the numeric data of our media objects, e.g. images or videos. Thereby, they get an indirect access to (visual) properties of displayed physical objects – like e.g. industry tools, vehicles, human faces, …. But there are also problems… Read More »ResNet basics – I – problems of standard CNNs