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Machine Learning

Surfaces of n-dimensional ellipsoids – I – quadratic form and matrix equation

Multidimensional ellipsoids are mathematically interesting figures per se. But there is a reason why they sometimes also appear in the context of Machine Learning experiments. One reason is that Multivariate Normal Distributions [MND] often describe the statistical distributions of properties which characterize natural objects we investigate by ML-methods. And the locations of constant probability density of MNDs are surfaces of… Read More »Surfaces of n-dimensional ellipsoids – I – quadratic form and matrix equation

The Meaning of Object Features in different ML-Contexts

When I gave a few introductory courses on basic Machine Learning [ML] algorithms in 2022, I sometimes ran into a discussion about “features“. The discussions were not only triggered by my personal definition, but also by some introductory books on ML the attendants had read. Across such textbooks, but even in a single book on ML the authors have a… Read More »The Meaning of Object Features in different ML-Contexts

Preliminary test of a Nvidia RTX 4060 TI 16GB with neural networks

Recently I had the opportunity to test a Nvidia RTX 4060 TI (vendor: MSI, model:Ventus ) on my Linux system against a Geforce GTX 960. For private consumers as me who are not interested in gaming, but in Machine Learning [ML] this type of card can be interesting. I name three reasons: Some of the readers of this blog may… Read More »Preliminary test of a Nvidia RTX 4060 TI 16GB with neural networks

Criteria for ML capable graphic cards: Amount of VRAM or raw GPU power?

Some of my readers may be interested in having a private environment to study Machine Learning [ML] techniques and perform experiments with complex Neural Network algorithms. I do not talk about AI professionals, but about people (as myself) who are students or privately interested in ML-techniques. And about people who have a limited budget for their AI and ML interests.… Read More »Criteria for ML capable graphic cards: Amount of VRAM or raw GPU power?