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ResNet56V2 Convergence within epoch 20

AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – VI – Super-Convergence after improving the ResNetV2

In previous posts of this series I have shown that a Resnet56V2 with AdamW can converge to acceptable values of the validation accuracy for the CIFAR10 dataset – within less than 26 epochs. An optimal schedule of the learning rate [LR] and optimal values for the weight decay parameter [WD] were required. My network – a variation of the ResNetV2-structure… Read More »AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – VI – Super-Convergence after improving the ResNetV2

CAE generated face on background of a MND

Latent space distribution of a CAE for face images – I – unenforced Multivariate Normal Distributions

The analysis of face images by a trained Autoencoder and the generation of face images from statistical vectors is a classical task in Machine Learning. In this post series I want to clarify the properties of vector distributions for face images generated by a trained standard Convolutional Autoencoder [CAE] in its latent space. The dataset primarily used is the CelebA… Read More »Latent space distribution of a CAE for face images – I – unenforced Multivariate Normal Distributions

Multivariate Normal Distributions – IV – Spectral decomposition of the covariance matrix and rotation of the coordinate system

In the preceding posts of this series we have considered a comprehensible definition and basic properties of a non-degenerate “Multivariate Normal Distribution” of vectors in the ℝn [N-MND]. In this post we will make a step in the direction of a numerical analysis of some given finite vector distribution with properties that indicate an underlying N-MND. We want to find… Read More »Multivariate Normal Distributions – IV – Spectral decomposition of the covariance matrix and rotation of the coordinate system

Concentric surfaces of ellipsoids

Multivariate Normal Distributions – III – Variance-Covariance Matrix and a distance measure for vectors of non-degenerate distributions

In previous posts of this series I have motivated the functional form of the probability density of a so called “non-degenerate Multivariate Normal Distribution“. In this post we will have a closer look at the matrix Σ that controls the probability density function [pdf] of such a distribution. We will show that it actually is the covariance matrix of the… Read More »Multivariate Normal Distributions – III – Variance-Covariance Matrix and a distance measure for vectors of non-degenerate distributions