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Residual Unit

ResNet56V2 Convergence within epoch 20

AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – VI – Super-Convergence after improving the ResNetV2

In previous posts of this series I have shown that a Resnet56V2 with AdamW can converge to acceptable values of the validation accuracy for the CIFAR10 dataset – within less than 26 epochs. An optimal schedule of the learning rate [LR] and optimal values for the weight decay parameter [WD] were required. My network – a variation of the ResNetV2-structure… Read More »AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – VI – Super-Convergence after improving the ResNetV2

ResNet basics – II – ResNet V2 architecture

In the 1st post of this series ResNet basics – I – problems of standard CNNs I gave an overview over building blocks of standard Convolutional Neural Networks [CNN]. I also briefly discussed some problems that come up when we try to build really deep networks with multiple stacks of convolutional layers [e.g. Conv1D- or Conv2D-layers of the Keras framework].… Read More »ResNet basics – II – ResNet V2 architecture