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mixed precision

ResNet56V2 Convergence within epoch 20

AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – VI – Super-Convergence after improving the ResNetV2

In previous posts of this series I have shown that a Resnet56V2 with AdamW can converge to acceptable values of the validation accuracy for the CIFAR10 dataset – within less than 26 epochs. An optimal schedule of the learning rate [LR] and optimal values for the weight decay parameter [WD] were required. My network – a variation of the ResNetV2-structure… Read More »AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – VI – Super-Convergence after improving the ResNetV2

Prompt based image generation with Stable Diffusion on a TI 4060 ?!

Midjourney and OpenAI give you access to image generators which create images based on key words in a text prompt. To access Dall-E2 you need to pay money. The tools of Midjourney are no longer free because they have been misused. OpenArt offers you a free service – but the images are public domain. So, some days ago I asked… Read More »Prompt based image generation with Stable Diffusion on a TI 4060 ?!