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contour ellipsoids of a projected MND

Multivariate Normal Distributions – I – Basics and a random vector of independent Gaussians

This post series is about mathematical aspects of so called “Multivariate Normal Distributions“. In the literature two abbreviations are common: MNDs or MVNs. I will use both synonymously. To get an easy access I want to introduce MNDs as the result of a linear transformations applied to random vectors whose components can be described by independent 1-dimensional normal distributions. Afterward… Read More »Multivariate Normal Distributions – I – Basics and a random vector of independent Gaussians

Bivariate Normal Distribution from face data encoded by a CAE

Bivariate Normal Distribution – derivation of the covariance and correlation by integration of the probability density

In a previous post of this blog we have derived the functional form of a bivariate normal distribution [BND] of a two 1-dimensional random variables X and Y). By rewriting the probability density function [pdf] in terms of vectors (x, y)T and a matrix Σ-1 we recognized that a coefficient appearing in a central exponential of the pdf could be… Read More »Bivariate Normal Distribution – derivation of the covariance and correlation by integration of the probability density