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AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – II – linear LR-schedules, Adam, L2-regularization, weight decay and a reduction of training epochs

This series is about a ResNetv56v2 tested on the CIFAR10 dataset. In the last post AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – I – a detailed look at results based on the Adam optimizer we investigated a piecewise constant reduction schedule for the Learning Rate [LR] over 200 epochs. We found that we could reproduce results of R. Atienza, who had claimed… Read More »AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – II – linear LR-schedules, Adam, L2-regularization, weight decay and a reduction of training epochs

AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – I – a detailed look at results based on the Adam optimizer

This post requires Javascript to display formulas! The last days I started to work on ResNets again. The first thing I did was to use a ResNet code which Rowel Atienza has published in his very instructive book “Advanced Deep Learning with Tensorflow2 and Keras” [1]. I used the code on the CIFAR10 dataset. Atienza’s approach for this test example… Read More »AdamW for a ResNet56v2 – I – a detailed look at results based on the Adam optimizer